Guest Policies
At Kyalami Kennels your dog's safety is our top priority.
Vaccinations and Requirements:

​Kyalami Kennels requires proof of vaccination from a licensed veterinarian. No owner-administered vaccination will be accepted. We may not be able to accept your dog if the required records are not received at least 24 hours prior to your pet's reservation. Kyalami Kennels requires the following vaccinations:
Rabies (RV): Annual or 3-year
Bordetella or Canine Cough (BV): Annual or 6 months
DHPP: Annual after puppy series. Every 3 to 5 years thereafter
Canine Influenza (CIV) H3N2/H3N8 (Bivalent): Annual after initial 2-part boosters
​​​​​General Health: Kyalami Kennels will not accept pets exhibiting signs of illness, pets with contagious viruses or parasites, or any pet we feel needs to be under veterinary care. Kyalami Kennels is not staffed for skilled vet care and also may not be able to handle specific geriatric pets needing significant or special care. For the safety of your pets and our staff, we will NOT accept dogs in heat.
Fleas and Ticks: All pets are checked for fleas and ticks upon arrival. If any are found, that pet will be treated immediately, at owner's expense, before being boarded.
Age Requirements: Dogs under the age of 16 weeks will not be accepted for boarding, day camp, or grooming.
Boarding Policies:
Accommodations: Kyalami Kennels reserves the right to re-assign pets to different accommodations if they become disruptive, aggressive, or destructive.
Access to Lodging Areas: Kyalami Kennels is happy to provide facility tours. However, in order to maintain a low stress environment, we do limit general customer access to our boarding area.
Combining Non-Family Dogs: Kyalami Kennels will not allow pets from different families to stay in the same kennel. Our Dog Day Camp program allows for pets from different families to play together.
Deposits/Cancellation Policy: Kyalami Kennels requires a 20% deposit for major holiday reservations. Customers may cancel within 7 days of their arrival date with no penalty. Customers who fail to cancel within 7 days, or do not show up, will forfeit their deposit.
**For a reduction in length of stay during peak holiday periods within 7 days of the reservation date, a fee will be assessed equaling two nights of boarding.
Personal Items: Kyalami Kennels asks that you mark all items with your pet's name.
Food/Treats - We prefer your pet's food be placed in disposable zip-locked bags.
Bedding - Beds and blankets are allowed. We will wash bedding prior to departure. If you wish to not have your items washed, please let our staff know.
Medications - Prescription medications should be provided in their original container, along with clear written instructions for administration. Special handling fees may apply for complex medical needs.